Monday, June 25, 2012

Shoe Haul from Rubi Shoes Sale

This year's GSS is a really fruitful one for me, especially when it comes to shoes. For one, I've managed to grab a few pairs of shoes from Rubi Shoes! All those pumps, flats and heels going at crazy prices, who won't bring them home?!

Only 5 bucks!
My first pair of shoes from Rubi Shoes. Not only was it a first buy for me from Rubi Shoes, it was also my first attempt in buying/wearing floral-designed shoes!

Likewise, it's my first attempt in trying on bright-coloured shoes, especially turquoise!

Green-minty heels. Not that i'm a lover of green but the colour of this pair of heels just made me unable to resist the urge to bring it home with me!

Another pair of flats added to my shoe collection. I simply couldn't resist buying buying white/beige shoes.

Why am I so crazy buying so many pairs from Rubi Shoes? Not that I'm really crazy over Rubi Shoes but their sale prices for those shoes were simply dirt cheap! None of my shoes from Rubi Shoes cost me more than 10 bucks each, including the minty heels! I'm so gonna ensure I'll always watch out for any Sales from Rubi Shoes in future!!!


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