Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Adventure with Fimo Canes

I really envy those people who had the luxury of time to go for manicure that turned out with pretty nails and nail art. Due to my heavy commitment with my child, I really can't afford the time to go for such enjoyment. And so, my recent obsession with nail lacquers spurred me into a craze of DIY manicure.

I've discovered from a shopping website that Fimo Canes a.k.a Polymer Clay are available for sale. Those fimo canes are those tiny weeny 3D sorta object which you can attach them on yr nails. I've seen photos of manicured nails with them and hence, I go ahead & ordered some fimo canes to try them out.

When my package arrived, I was so super happy with it & upon opening it, I finally saw how the fimo canes looked like...

Note my finger against the canes. VERY small only! They are not more than 5cm long per cane but they seriously make hell lot of fimo slices out of these little small rod canes! I cut them myself using a penknife & depending on your own preference, you can cut them up thick or thin ^^.

There, my own private collection of fimo cane slices cut all by myself. There's even a Hello Kitty design with it (center compartment)! Found the flower pretty matching to my current nail color, China Glaze's Flip Flop Fantasy & decided to conduct my 1st fimo nail art experiment.

Tada~! Though I think they will look better with more fimo but I really don't wanna waste my fimo slices when I already plan to change my nail color with another soon.

Am planning to order more fimo canes soon once I accessed my March's credit card damages! Can't wait!

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