Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Part-time Distraction - AIKASEA

Other than my nail obsession I am so hooked onto recently, I also have a part-time distraction away from my nail obsession. That will be a new online MMORPG game - AIKASEA ^^.

I used to be a really hardcore WOW (World of Warcraft) player of 3 years. However, due to my recent childbirth, I was too committed into caring for my little one & was hence unable to commit to WoW's frequent raiding (due to my baby being tooooo young at that time). Hence, I quit WoW almost 1.5 years back and never return since.

And so, I began my online adventure in AIKASEA (Launched in April) by creating a class I always like to create in almost all of the MMORPGs I played - Priest. Amidst the classes in AIKASEA, there is also other variety to choose from and they are mainly Dark Magician, Warrior, Crusader, Sniper and Dual Gunner. Took a lovely screenshot of my very own character within the game too though I am still at a very much low level myself, haha!

My level 12 Priest! Low but still levelling ok!

Saw the sparkling little thing hovering around my character? That's a PRAN!'s just a fairy now. In time to come, it will develop into an infant (kid) Pran, followed by a teenage Pran ^^. The Pran can really look so damn kawaii just like those anime characters! One day, I hope to really get my Pran to look like her:

Soooooo Kawaii!

Or her?

She's so 'Princess

Really can't wait to see my Pran turn into such adorable look!

Though I won't know if I will ever get a chance to participate in this since I usually have to tend to my little one at home when this goes on but it's worth to participate if chance falls upon me. Other than the kawaii Pran, AIKA's other main feature will be its Massive Warfare - 1000 vs 1000 War. Not only that, they also have other types of war such as Castle Seige, Relic War and Nation War. Have tried none of them since I am still so low level but I know if time allows, and of course, if level allows, I sure must try!

Now, I may not be able to participate the war(s) yet, looking at the screenshots may just curb my temptation...for now. Really hope I can try it out sometime soon (Get my little one to bed REAL early? LOL!).

Obviously, the screenshots are all 'koped' a.k.a copied from all over internet, apart from the very 1st screenshot I posted cos that's my own character, haha! Hopefully, I can own a better collection of my very own screenshots someday which I can proudly post them here ^^.

If my post here has made you interested into knowing more about AIKA, or even want to play AIKA, just go visit AIKASEA's website here -

Sometimes, really sometimes, when I tell myself I cannot spend so much time surfing for nail art/nail lacquers related stuff which will cause me to spend, I will really make myself go into AIKASEA, LOL! See, that's what i meant as my Part-time distraction!

Off I go to level my Priest, and my little Pran fairy, which in hope to turn into kawaii Pran now! Tada~!


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